In sport, what distinguishes mediocre from excellent is increasingly the way coaches, managers and athletes can manage the human factor. The DISC profiles we offer develop self-awareness, which takes coaching and athletic performance to a whole new level. They help you get to the cutting edge and stay there. They help you develop your adaptability, your emotional intelligence, and give you a better understanding of how you can unlock your potential both on your own and in cooperation with others. Athlete Assessments’ DISC Profiles use a methodology that dates back half a century, which is unique worldwide, and are written in a sporting language.
The distinguishing factor of great coaches is their constant pursuit for the competitive edge, in their athletes and themselves, which includes continuous learning and applying the best methods and solutions. The CoachDISC profile helps you realise your full potential to be an exceptional coach capable of dealing with your athletes as individuals. The key to achieving this is all about developing self-awareness, and understanding your athletes as much as possible
Athlete Assessments’ CoachDISC Profile is a unique personality and behavioural profiling system designed specifically for coaches. After completing your online assessment, which takes 10-15 minutes, you receive an in depth, customised profile report.
We, at Kell Egy Csapat Élmény KFT, the exclusive partner of Athlete Assessments in Hungary, are proud to have made the world’s only DISC behavioural profile assessment tools written in a sporting language and the related mental toughness development programme available in the Hungarian language in Hungary.
The method was developed by Bo Hanson, three time Olympic medallist rower in 2007.
Coach development
- build self-awareness of your coaching style, preferences, strengths and limitations;
- better understand the impact you have on your athletes and fellow coaching staff;
- learn how to develop your behavioural adaptability and communication in your interaction with your athletes and staff;
- invite your coaches, teammates and others whose observations matter to you to provide honest feedback (for 1 year, in an unlimited number to build a 360-degree perspective on you);
- reach your and your athletes’ full potential more successfully.
Athlete development
- develop the behavioural style to achieve the best results;
- discovers ways to build on your strengths;
- identify your restricting behaviours and take a step forward;
- develop your connection and communication with your coaches and others on the team;
- invite your coaches, teammates and others whose observations matter to you to provide honest feedback (for 1 year, in an unlimited number to build a 360-degree perspective on you);
- reach your full potential as an athlete.
- The bases of our programme are the AthleteDISC and CoachDISC profiles which we recomment to use above 16 years of age (a 44-page personal report written in a sporting language: general behavioural characteristics, strengths, motivation needs, ideal sports environment, behaviour under stress, communications advice, areas for improvement, graphs to display the adapted and natural styles, characteristics of DISC sub patterns).
- Coach development training programmes (basic and advanced level)
- We organise workshops and team buliding events in order to raise the level of self knowledge to develop the team culture, to improve the communication which help the implementation of different inclusion strategies as well.
- We offer continous professional support for our clients and partners
Introduction of Szabolcs Hollósi
Sociologist, coach, trainer, behavioural style consultant (Consultant-Trainer of PSIDIUM accredited DISC and Business Motivators), and employee & athlete experience developer (Employer Branding College: “Certificate in Employer Brand Leadership”) with 20 years of experience. Owner and CEO of Kell Egy Csapat Élmény KFT [It Takes a Team Experience], exclusive partner of Athlete Assessments in Hungary (and the the first accredited counselling partner in Europe). Has an excellent command of the English language. An active footballer in all levels of Hungarian amateur football for 22 years with experience of spending one season in England (Ilsington Villa). President of Arboretum Herény SE (a sports association with chess, nine-pin bowling and football sections) between 2008 and 2014, Head of the Vas County Competition Commission of the Hungarian Football Federation for 1 year. Developed his professional knowledge by completing the course “Certificate in Psychology for High Performance Sport” of the Barcelona Innovation Hub.
Szabolcs Hollósi
Kell Egy Csapat Élmény Kft.
(You Need a Team Experience Ltd.)
Mobil: +36 30 2277559