St. Kliment Ohridski: Inclusive training


Theme Early detection of children at risk of learning difficulties and their successful inclusion in preschool and school education, successful socialization and integration.
Objectives Provide a supportive environment for equal access to education and for the opening of the education system with a view to implementing inclusive education.
Target Group – Children from 3 to 7 years, at risk of learning difficulties;

– Students with special educational needs;

From the primary school “St. Kliment Ohridski” participated 23 students with special educational needs.

Description Project activities:

– Early assessment and prevention of learning difficulties in preschool children;

– Providing conditions and support for the transition from integrated to inclusive education in pilot comprehensive schools;

– Development of a new functional model of work to support the inclusive education of children and students with sensory disabilities in special schools for visually impaired and hearing impaired children;

– Development of a new model of organization and functioning of special schools for children with mental retardation (auxiliary schools) in a pilot auxiliary school of boarding type;

– Creating a favorable environment in schools and kindergartens for adaptive education of children with special educational needs;

– Providing support for the inclusion in the educational process of children and students deprived of parental care and using residential services included in the process of deinstitutionalization.

Impact of the programme -Increasing the role of general education schools for building an inclusive educational environment and for the implementation of quality education in accordance with the individual needs of each student.

– Increasing the capacity of special schools for children with sensory disabilities in order to build a functional model of work to support the inclusive education of children and students with sensory disabilities.

– Building a new model of organization and functioning of schools for children with mental retardation of boarding type.

– Creating positive attitudes in the school and parent community towards inclusive education to achieve an integration effect.

– Providing a supportive environment by psychologists, resource teachers, speech therapists and / or other specialists for children and students deprived of parental care and using residential services involved in the deinstitutionalization process.

Organization/specialist implementing the practice Primary school “St. Kliment Ohridski ”, Pavlikeni, Bulgaria 

The project is implemented with the financial support of the Operational Program “Human Resources Development”, co-financed by the European Social Fund of the European Union.

Activity managers – Specialists with pedagogical functions (psychologists, speech therapists, hearing and speech rehabilitators), providing resource support;

– Principals, teachers, pedagogical advisers, parents of children and students from the target groups.

Full staff involved in the project – 1 psychologist and 3 resource teachers.

Location Pavlikeni, Bulgaria